There comes a time when an extended stay in nature is in order.

Couple’s Retreat

Couple’s retreats take place over a half day, full-day, or multiple days (no overnight) and blend PACT (Psycho-Biological Approach to Couple Therapy) with nature-based and somatic counseling.

Retreats allow for deep work to happen over the hours or days spent together, working through a challenge or promoting togetherness.


Family Day Retreat

Family day retreats allow for families to spend a day in nature, alternating between the heavy lifting of family therapy and having fun together. These retreats are created to be age-appropriate for children and are often a part of ongoing therapy or a launching point for families new to therapy.

Trauma Intensive

Trauma-focused intensives are a valuable way to get a jump-start on processing and recovering from specific traumatic experiences as well as relational trauma that may have taken place over the course of years. Generally, intensives take place from Friday afternoon through Sunday and include up to 15 hours of therapy broken up into 3-hour blocks of time. I always recommend continuing therapy following intensives, which act to deepen into your work at an accelerated pace.